
4/4/2016: I received my copies of the DirectX 12 book, so the book is now shipping! Also, I've been getting emails about the headache of getting the DirectX 11 demos working using Visual Studio 2015 and Win10. So I wrote up a quick step-by-step guide: Direct3D 11 Book Demos with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015. To demonstrate, I updated the "Blend Demo" whose new source code can be obtained here.

3/26/2016: Writing for the Direct3D 12 book was wrapped up in January and should be available in late March or April 2016.

8/30/2015: The Direct3D 12 book has been underway for over a year. I'm currently expecting to finish the manuscript by the end of the year, for a release date around April/May 2016.

7/30/2015: The forums have been removed due to excessive spam. I may try to bring them back if I can find a low maintenance solution. However, is probably a better resource anyway, as it gets more traffic and there are some good experts there.

5/16/2012: New sample on using Direct3D with Win8 Metro styled applications has been uploaded to the Articles and Code section.

4/1/2012: The Direct3D 11 book is now available. Extra samples on drawing text and sprites with Direct3D 11, and parallax occlusion mapping have also been uploaded to the Articles and Code section.

12/13/2011: The Direct3D 11 book has begun the copy editing process and should be out early 2012.